Combat lvl on IS:125
Woodcutting lvl:52
Thieving lvl:70
Firemaking lvl:52
Have u even been server mod or admin on another server?
Ino i havent had alot of experiance but i've been mod once on a rsps called 'knightscape' but epically failed a week after
Mod on Server called Pk-Kingdom, getting admin if i continue to be active
alot of people have reccommended me for moderator and loads of people have supported me. I hope you'll actually think about premoting me to moderator, i also know that some people dislike me, but that just makes me wanna be moderator more so i can gain there respect, your probbly thinking what a load of crap but its very true... thanks
I, Shaun (Bigdogg198) pledges to be Moderator or Administrator and if I quit, I will be demoted and will never have a chance at server mod or admin again.
Signed, Shaun Orchard (Bigdogg198)
And icy is king king